27 May The Old Bait-and-Switch

Let’s talk about one of our least favorite tactics used by paintball companies, the old paintball quantity bait-and-switch. If you’re unfamiliar with paintball, then learning that a rental package or an admission to a paintball park comes with 100, 200, or 300 paintballs may sound like a sweet deal. Unfortunately, this leads to a fairly standard scenario where your group shows up excited to play, goes through the orientation process, and, finally, hits the field with the included paint only to play just a few games before running out. Next thing you know, your group is stuck shelling out the cost of your initial packages again just to ammo up. We’ve seen it time and time again.
The truth is that if your group is planning on playing for a couple hours you’re likely to need closer to 400 or 500 paintballs. A sign that you’re walking into a company built on this bait-and-switch is to see if the cost for additional paintballs is more than your initial packages. Since our inception in 2009, we’ve always included a minimum of 500 paintballs with every rental package. Our goal is to make things as easy as possible and avoiding a classic bait-and-switch has always seemed to fit that goal.