16 Sep Hobble Creek Games – September 16, 2017
Date(s) - 09/16/2017
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Hobble Creek Paintball Warriors are hosting a game at Hobble Creek. The HPCW is a group that we have supported for years since they run one of the friendliest environments for players of all types. The Hobble Creeek field also happens to be one of our all time favorite places to play in Utah Valley. It’s a great combination. The HPCW guys are known for running fun game modes including Lock ‘n Key, Zombies, and Capture the Flag, and tend to avoid just straight straight paintball games without an objective. This makes for some really fun scenario play.
People show up at 9:00 am and games start very shortly thereafter. Groups tend to play for a few hours with almost all games easily over well before 1pm. Get there at the start time to beat the weather and maximize the number of games played.
There are no supplies available at the field. You’ll need to bring in your own paint, air/CO2, and anything else you need to play.
Directions Available here
This is a bring your own paint field, swing by Saints Paintball and pick up your paint and air at a great price.
- $39 per case
- $60 per case
Get a free fill on any paintball tank when you purchase a case of paintballs at Saints Paintball
Need some rentals for friends?
Pick them up at Saints Paintball.
Same-Day Rental
- $25 per person
Rentals Include
- 500 paintballs
- Gun
- Mask
- Pre-filled Air Tank
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