Saints Paintball: 4th Annual Shake ‘N Bake

4th Annual Shake 'n Bake Poster

Saints Paintball: 4th Annual Shake ‘N Bake

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The time has come to test your skills! Get ready for the 4th Annual Shake ‘N Bake Classic. This is a 5v5 speedball style tournament. The only limiting factor in this is the gravity fed hopper that must sit on top of your marker! Come play one of the staple events of the Utah tournament scene.

Where: Provo Pickup Field

When: Saturday – June 9, 2012


7:00 Registration

8:00 Captains Meeting

8:30 Games Begin (This event will run long that day so be prepared)

Format: 5 Man (6 man Roster) semi division; 5 Man (6 man roster) pump division. Both divisions will use modified NPPL rules

Entry: Semi – $125; Pump – $125

Paintballs: Event Paint Only

Field $45 pre-order – $50 day of

Premium $55 pre-order – $60 day of

Tournament $65 pre-order – $70 day of.

Only a few changes for this year. We will be using modified NPPL center flag format rules. All non-electronic gravity fed hoppers are allowed (Most players will tell you that the best hopper to use is the Proto Primo). Hoppers will be available for purchase at the event and through pre-order on our website. No force-fed or agitating hoppers of any kind are allowed. This does mean that you cannot use an A5, X7, or Phenom. Firing modes are irrelevant so you can use whichever mode you prefer. To help incentivize teams to be on deck and on the field on time we will be adding 10 points to the score sheet for having your entire team ready to walk on to the field when the head ref asks for the next team (Please note the use of the phrase “entire team”). That means a perfect game score at this event will be 110 points not just 100. We will be pushing teams to get on and off the field as quickly as possible so that we can get this event wrapped up in as timely a manner as possible. There will be a quick 30 minute lunch break for the ref staff and we will have Sammy’s Burgers and Shakes on site and will also have drinks available for sale. There are no other planned breaks in the schedule for the day.

Registration and paint pre-orders must be made using the PayPal cart that we have setup. You may pay using a PayPal account or any credit card without having to setup a PayPal account. Access can be found through our website ( under the events tab or through the email announcing the event. We will not be handling registration or paint orders via phone or in our store. Registration will end 11pm Thursday, June 7, 2012. NO LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE POSSIBLE. We will need a day to get the brackets and schedule figured out. Please indicate the team in the additional comments field when registering like it.

We started this event as a joke and have been very pleased with the great turnout for the past couple years. Please help us make this an open and inviting format with very little drama and no problems. We look forward to seeing everyone. If you need more information or have any questions please contact us.